Justin Hofstein

I'm a

Over a long career, I have been lucky to become skilled in many areas as a Product Designer.

I’m an expert facilitator and have a knack for bringing people together. Focused on improving velocity and establishing shared visual product understanding. I am a user-focused Product designer, mentor and problem-solver. It is my job to solution and create digital interfaces that are easy to use and deliver user outcomes that help companies grow, and I have a blast doing it!

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    UX Research

    Understanding business models and then understanding its users. What pain points users have and how to solve them, all while pushing company’s business goals.

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    SaaS & Web Design

    Keep it as simple and intuitive as possible while adhering to design patterns & creating design systems for solutions. The best interface is one you don´t notice.

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    I have been a consultant and in-house design team aimed at helping e-commerce companies build new, update existing, evaluate & launch modern usable websites.

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    I invest deeply in my team and have an "air cover" leadership style that allows my team to achieve amazing results. I am an advocate for my design team and their growth.

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    Collaboration & Teamwork

    Bringing cross-functional team members and stakeholders into the design process. I thrive on collaboration. No great product is designed in a vacuum.

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    Positive Attitude

    Your personal energy can be the difference between success and failure. Always exude excitement as if seeing the world through a child's eyes.


I help companies define, design, and launch world-class digital products by aligning teams, stakeholders, user and customer expectations.

With more than 20 years of digital design experience, I still enjoy the challenges of creating new products, working with business teams, helping users and leading creative teams. This has made me who I am today.

I've built my career around exceptional design and the ability to confidently communicate intuitive, meaningful experiences to clients - and their customers/users - across many different industries.

  • Boynton Beach, Florida
  • 10.08.1978
  • User Centered Design, Lean UX, Human Nature, Music, Mountain BIking.
  • The Art Institute of Fort Lauderale
  • Bachelors Multimedia & Web Design

"When we think about what creative leadership truly means, when it is at its most effective, it is about handing over authorship to the designers you are working with and trusting them to reconcile all of the inputs into a singular conceptual and aesthetic whole.

To embrace your fear of being wrong is to move toward it and to create work that helps answer the questions your fears bring out. ."

Matt Owens - Medium (https://uxdesign.cc/)

Get in Touch

  • svgBoynton Beach, FL
  • svgME at JustinUIUX.com